How Fluoroelastomers enhance Consumer Wearables’ performance

Create Comfortable, Durable Bands with Formulation Expertise and High-Performing Fluoroelastomers

A new generation of fitness devices and smart watches has motivated people to get out and exercise — and other features like email, texting, and call capabilities have increased the demand for wearables. Purchasing this technology involves a decent financial commitment, and consumers expect that their investments will offer high quality that lasts.

Wrist bands are an integral part of these wearables. Manufactured from a variety of materials, low-quality bands miss the mark on consumer expectations for:

  • All-day comfort
  • Varied color options
  • Resistance to discoloration from prolonged wear and use
  • Resistance to staining from contact with fabric dyes

Wearables offer many band material options: rubber, silicone, and plastics; however, high-quality fluoroelastomers check all the boxes of wearability, durability, stain resistance, and style.

This white paper explains how the properties of fluoroelastomers make them an ideal material for wearable bands and why teaming with Chemours is a smart move. The company brings deep formulation expertise to help meet specific criteria and achieve consistent color and appearance in every manufactured band.

Download this white paper to learn about the benefits of partnering with Chemours and using Viton™ fluoroelastomers to make the perfect consumer wearables band.